

Department Of Audiology

Department of Audiology is equipped with different audiometric tests like Pure tone Audiometry, Speech Audiometry, Hearing Aid Trial, Special Tests(TDT,SISI,ABLB etc.), Immitance Audiometry[GSI-38], Eustachian tube function Test[GSITYMPSTAR], Oto-Acoustic Emission[GSI-AUDERA], Electrophysiological Tests[BERA, ASSR, MLR, LLR, ECochG-IHS], Vestibular assessment[VEMP] & Neonatal Screening.The Institute has a full fledged Ear Mould Lab and the latest, technologically advanced hearing instruments. We have professionals who deal especially in pediatric and elderly population and their rehabilitation. Thus the department provides both the subjective and objective tests to determine the hearing sensitivity and also to provide intervention



Department Of Speech Diagnostics

This unit provides a full range of diagnostic speech and language services available for persons of any age with the disorders in the following areas- Misarticulation, hearing disabilities, cerebral palsy, cleft lip and palate, vocal pathologies, mental retardation, childhood communication disorders, adult language disorders etc. Department of Speech Diagnostics is equipped with Speech Science Lab. And the detailed evaluation is carried out using the special instruments like VAGMI, Nasometry, EGG, Dr Speech, Praat, Fluency coach and qualitative and quantitative methods including various standardized tests.

Department Of Speech Therapy

Department of Speech Therapy provides the therapeutic management of different speech and language disorders. Based on the assessment and test results, speech therapy unit develop an individualized plan of therapy, tailored to each patients needs. Home training programs and counseling sessions are also conducted on regular basis.


Department Of ENT

Department of ENT has a fully equipped ENT clinic for routine out patient cases & minor procedures.

Clinic Timings 
 Mon- 9.00 am to 11.00 am and 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm 
 Fri - 9.00 am to 10.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm

College & Department Timings

The College and respective departments in Charkala and Mar Thoma Mount functions from 9.00 am to 5 .00 pm from Monday to Friday and from to 1 pm on Saturdays except on second Saturdays. The Clinical hours which is part of the curriculam is from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.



The Departments of Audiology and Speech Diagnostics, involves in arranging public awareness programs like free camps, school screening and seminars in and around the Kasaragod District. Our team consists of experts who are specialized in different fields of communication disorders.